By law, the Municipal Manager automatically is the head of administration as well as the accounting officer. The Municipal Manager has extensive statutory and delegated powers and duties, as well as powers and duties that can be inferred from such statutory and delegated powers and duties.

The Municipal Manager is, amongst others, responsible –

  • for the formation and development of an economical, effective, efficient and accountable administration;
  • to ensure that the municipal “machine” operates efficiently, that the organizational structure is able to perform the various tasks and exercise the necessary controls;
  • to fulfil a leadership role in the administration; this is of utmost importance to influence the actions of staff and to inspire and persuade them to work together to realize the municipality’s goals;
  • for the implementation of the municipality’s integrated development plan, and the monitoring of progress with implementation of the plan; and
  • for the financial responsibilities as accounting officer as determined by the MFMA.
The Municipal Manager is the chief adviser of the municipality and must advise the political structures and political office-bearers of the municipality. The Municipal Manager must see to the carrying out of the decisions of the political structures and political office-bearers of the municipality.
The Municipal Manager is the chief adviser of the municipality and must advise the political structures and political office-bearers of the municipality. The Municipal Manager must see to the carrying out of the decisions of the political structures and political office-bearers of the municipality.

Lot 103, Main Street, Nongoma, South Africa, 3950


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