Integrated Development Plan

Integrated Development Planning (IDP) and Performance Management System (PMS) is coordinated with the Office of the Municipal Manager through the IDP/PMS Unit. The Unit exists to support, manage and direct the development and effective implementation of the integrated development plan and performance management system of Nongoma Local municipality.

While it is a 5 year strategic plan for the municipality; the IDP is the political statement of the party in the office. It is the vehicle upon which the political manifesto of the ruling partly would be implemented.

Nongoma 2024-25 FY IDP (FINAL)
1 293 downloads
1 123 downloads
NLM 2023-24 FY
1 1275 downloads
Nongoma LM 2022-2023 IDP
1 1544 downloads
Nongoma LM 2021-2022 IDP
1 611 downloads
Nongoma LM 2020-2021 IDP
1 546 downloads
Nongoma LM 2019-2020 IDP
1 495 downloads
Nongoma LM 2018-19 IDP
1 704 downloads

    Lot 103, Main Street, Nongoma, South Africa, 3950


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